Wednesday 24 April 2013

Nayu's News #66: Here be books.

"Ooo, this is a good bit!"
I was doing the above for most of today. (As always, all quotes are by me, all pictures are taken from the internet) Yesterday I was struck with a lousy headache, which continued a little to this morning. 
"Grrrrrr - headache be gone!"
Thankfully I'm much better now - tired and happily headache free, just the usual post-headache fatigue. The plus side was reading an awful lot today, which was fun. 
"Books, books, lovely books!"
 But now I'm up for watching anime, which is restful and entertaining.
Will be watching some Elemental Gelade - this is my current wallpaper at work, of Ren, who is an awesome & quiet heroine.


Paul R. Hewlett said...

I love your posts, the pictures are incredible. I hope you are feeling better, headaches are the worst(right up there with stomach aches).

Paul R. Hewlett

Nayuleska said...

Thanks Paul! I love writing them. I'm over that headache - hoping to have a few weeks before the next one.