Wednesday 7 September 2011

Gargoylz Spring Mayhem by Burchett & Vogler (6 years +)

March 2011, Red Fox 
320 pages, Paperback
Review copy 

Children's, 6 years + 

Themes: boy humour, pranks, lots of mischief, playful gargoylz, beach, birthdays, castle, museum, sleepover, sibling rivalry, lots of humour. 

Meet the Gargoylz - mischievous little monsters who are super sneaky, super naughty and have super powers too! 

They look like funny stone statues on the church next door to Max and Ben's school - but the boys soon find out that the Gargoylz come to life! And then lots of mischief, mayhem and superspy adventures are guaranteed! 

A bumper book of Gargoylz fun and mischief. Ten stories in one book - plus lots of puzzle pages. 

Nayuleska's reasons for loving the Gargoylz...they have an interesting view on life, especially when it comes to making jokes. 

How nasty/evil is the enemy? Bullies are really mean when they stop others from having fun. Thankfully the Gargoylz are able to teach Basher a lesson or two. 

Are there lots of plot twists and surprises? The most unexpected and funniest twist happened when Max's sister had a princess birthday party. I didn't expect what happened to happen, and I was almost crying with laughter at the outcome. 

What style are the illustrations? Pen and ink, which work well with the surrounding text and really emphasis the hilarity of what happens. 

One of my favourite parts was...definitely the princess party! 

This hilarious and cleverly written book (& series) gets 10/10 from me - the puzzles are related to the stories, there's an answer page and as ever there's a Gargoylz toy to play with (I hear from my neighbour's son that it is great fun). 

Be sure to check out the Gargoylz website

Suggested read
Definitely check out the other Gargoylz books: try one of my favourites, Gargoylz: Summer Fun

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