Monday 2 May 2016

The Very Cold Freezing No-Number Day by Ashley N Sorenson and David Miles (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E, short n' sweet review)

March 2016, Familius, 32 pages, Hardback, Review copy 

Summary from Familius
Oh no! It is a very, VERY cold day, and all the numbers have frozen!

Children must trace, blow on, and count the numbers to unfreeze them, and in the process, they will learn colors, seasons, patterns, and numbers. An interactive, educational experience, The Very Cold, Freezing, No-Number Day is sure to be a household and classroom favorite.

Nayu's thoughts 
I've never read an interactive book that sweeps me up and has me full engrossed like this counting tale. I really was convinced the numbers were disappearing, so did every action asked to save them. The vast range of colours makes the pages a pleasure to look act, teamed up with appropriate comments in the story. Younger readers will love it! 

Find out more on David's website

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