Thursday 27 August 2015

Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas by Grace Zong (Children's, Picture book, 10/10E)

June 2014, Charlesbridge Publishing, 32 pages, Paperback, Review copy from NetGalley

Content: fairytale, humour

One Chinese New Year, Goldy Luck’s mother asks her to take a plate of turnip cakes to the neighbors. The Chans aren’t home, but that doesn’t stop Goldy from trying out their rice porridge, their chairs, and their beds—with disastrous results.

Nayu's thoughts  
Think you know the tale of Goldilocks and the three bears? Think again! Both pictures and story bringing a Chinese twist to this popular fairytale. I did make a face at what Goldy Luck eats because it isn't quite as nice as porridge (not to me...). I enjoyed the reason why the pandas were out, looking at the action in the background (often through the window) and I thought how Goldy Luck became friends with them and made up for minor crimes sweet. I happily stared for more than a mere glance at the illustrations, they each tell their own tale and had me wondering what other areas of the pandas' lives were like. Now I'm eager to read other Chinese/different country centered tales! 

Available at bookstores including NRC affiliate Foyles

Suggested read
If you enjoy fairytales you'll love Very Little Cinderella by Teresa Heapy and Sue Heap (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)

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