Saturday 22 November 2014

Nayu's News #154 Raindrops and Rainbows

Naru from Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live anime creating a rainbow with her prism jump!
It's been a mixed week really. Hence the rainbow pics, which might be in the wrong order but I wanted to start with a happy pic! 
 Some of you may have seen on Twitter, or even on my 'Today I'm....' picture which I try to change daily here that I've been recovering from emotional exhaustion. A family member had an operation on Tuesday I thought I was ok about it all, but the feeling of complete exhaustion on Thursday (which was barely there Tuesday so it was a delayed reaction) told me I'd worried more than I thought about it. 
I felt like Sophie does when she runs out of energy in the anime PriPara
 >o< I was so tired I had to stay off work. I managed 4 of 5 hours on Friday - it just hit me & I felt terrible again. 
Relaxing for me these days includes listening to audio books! Sadly without a bird companion....

Thankfully I'm off work until Thursday to recover from a few family social events tomorrow and Tuesday, so I can have lots of rest! Which I promise I'm doing. I'm making sure that I watch anime each day. Once this post is up, it's lots of anime, crochet with audio book & hopefully some writing too! I know I'll be in trouble with more than my body if I don't rest up. *waves at friends across the pond with good glares for when I'm not resting enough* 
I'll rest!

That was one raindrop - the other I'm not elaborating on much, but let's just say please check that any gutters on your house are kept clear. Otherwise you might be fending off Mould Monsters...

No monsters in my books!
Rainbow time! I'm back into reading, which is a huge plus for me. I've missed it lately, but it hasn't been possible when I'm tired. 

More rainbows in watching new to me episodes of Aikatsu when Ichigo, with Seira, finally beat Mizuki!!!!! (& Mikuru) 
Ichigo & Seira's song is aptly named Friend
 I'm so glad she finally did it! Although I wouldn't have minded if Double M (Mizuki & Mikuru) won, since Mizuki is, well, Mizuki! 
Mizuki is on the right, Mikuru left
 Amazing and lovely. I'm enjoying the 3rd season which focuses more on Akari, who has a bit of Mizuki-like friend (purple hair & everything!). Ah, got to love anime. The slightly bad news is that it's being released bit by bit, so I'll have to wait for new episodes in about 5 episodes time, when I catch up with the latest releases. 
Sumire! Akari's Mizuki, as it were.

I've written a guest blog post!
You can find me talking about why I love books on Fat Fox Books, who asked me to do a blog post for them! Totally cool to do, I hope you enjoy reading it!

Time for me to go - enjoy the rest of your day!
I'm spending mine with my cat! If she appears...

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