Sunday 3 September 2017

Hamster Sitter Wanted by Tracy Gunaratnam and Hannah Marks (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)

 31st August 2017, Maverick Arts Publishing, 32 pages, Paperback, Review copy

Summary from Maverick Books
Marco and Polo simply love adventures but disaster hits when they are left in charge of Marco’s many cousins!

Nayu's thoughts
I wanted to read this book based on the title without having read a summary or seen the cover. I love hamsters, and suspected much mischief would happen in the hamster sitter hunt-I was so right! These hilarious critters take mischief to another level, mostly because there are so many of them. They manage to get rid of 2 babysitters, but then a perfect one is found leaving Marco and Polo to enjoy themselves. 

The energetic story made me smile, andthe clever illustrations gave it extra zing. I learned why Stinky gets their name, I adored the cute bows and flowers in the girl hamsters' hair, how portraits on stairs seemed to look at the action, how knitting is enjoyed by the tearaways (yay craft promotion!), how they cause chaos when they play, plus having to spot animals in all the scenes who are probably wanting to hid from the hamster scrum. This is such a happy book, one much needed after a war read, and I want there to be more adventures from this boisterous family!! 

Find out more on Hannah's website.  

Suggested read

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