Saturday 26 August 2017

The Importance of Being Ernest the Earwig by Nanette Newman and Lindsay Brangh (Children's, Picture book, 9/10E)

April 2017, Templar Publishing, 32 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Book summary
All sorts of creatures appear in books - rabbits, dogs, mice, and even ladybirds - but there are no earwigs! Ernest decides to put this right, with surprising and hilarious results . . 

Nayu's thoughts
Initially I wasn't going to review this as the colour scheme is not my preferred bright and light palatte, but I know the publicist who said she thought I'd like it so I gave it a go. Earwigs don't bother me like they do some people, so I had no problem reading this insect themed tale.  I have no idea who Nanette is as an actress (I watch anime more than films), but some of you may have seen her work. I don't think I've read anythin by Lindsay either.  

Aside from what is to me a dull and not inspiring colour hoice (all my own opinion, it works for the book) it's a sweet tale that introduces readers to some classic children's reads (even if a certain Alice tale is innately freaky), I like how Earnest makes his mark on all the tales on their covers, which have illustrations that look close to some of the original ones in style. My favourite was Cinderella, because I think she is awesome, even if poor Earnest can't get her to notice him. I did wonder what would happen if she could speak back to him! The way the titles chaned once Earnest had been in them was a cute touch, as was his inclusion on the last page. 

Suggested read

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