Friday 1 January 2016

Nayu's News #208 Happy New Year! Blog Changes for 2016

Super cute greeting!
I hope everyone has a fantastic 2016! I'd honestly meant to post this last week, but I had a migraine and have been recovering from it, as well as working hard on my current novel. I'm on the read through before handing to betas stage, so not long to go til I'll have a week off then get editing another wip! 

2016 Blog Changes 
There are only 24 hours in a day...
I hinted last week on Twitter that changes are afoot here. They are changes which some of you won't be surprised about, since you've wondered how I've managed not to enforce them before now. As for the rest of you, well, hopefully you'll understand my reasoning. 

I am not stopping reviewing! 

Thought I'd squish thoughts like that. I love reviewing, I love sharing my thoughts about books with you so I'm not going to stop. 

Book addict for life!

However, book reviewing isn't all I do. At the moment I have the opportunity to focus on writing my own novels full time. Writing takes time. It requires research which involves lots of dvd watching, some chocolate testing a bit of Google use. The harder I work, the most rest I need to let my body recover from all the energy it uses up in playing with my Muse, who is more than a tad demanding.

It takes a long time to rally her into action.

But once she gets going there's no stopping her!

The other week when I had a mini-break I realised that having the time to read a whole book series not for reviewing would be useful for my novel research, but continuing reviewing as much as I have in 2016 isn't too compatible with that. 

So I am going to review less books in 2016. 

Remember, less books doesn't mean no books!
This doesn't involve that much change. I'm hoping to catch up on review posting (& reading) in the week's break once I give my current novel to my beta readers (by 7th Jan, in theory), I'll still review a wide range of genres, just being a bit more selective. Instead of accepting some, I'll add them to my wish list ^o^ 

It initially was a hard decision to make, but once I'd discussed it with a few close friends I knew it was the right one. I have so many different stories to bring to you myself, and I need to focus on them since I'm trying to make it a career, along with my crochet (which is going to have more products soon - will let you know both here on and on my crochet blog Nayu's Crochet Dreams).   

I hope you understand why I'll be reducing how much I review - it's for a very good cause! One day in the not too distant future my own books will be on your shelves ^o^ (& I'll be making headway in , world domination through my own novels!!!)
Here's to a book filled future!

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