Sunday 26 April 2015

The Case of the Cursed Dodo by Jake G. Panda (Children's, 9 years +, 8/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

  November 2014, Woolly Family Studios, 180 pages, Ebook, Review copy

Content: peril, mild romance, 

Summary from Amazon UK (I don't benefit by mentioning them) 
If you're looking for trouble, you've found it. The name's Jake G. Panda, and trouble seems to follow me wherever I go. I work in the protection racket at a flophouse for endangered critters called the Last Resort. I'm the hotel snoop. The resident fuzz. It's my job to keep these guests safe and outta harm's way. This is the first of my many misadventures. A wild and woolly mystery involving a lost suitcase, a green bird, and a bunch of double-crossing animals. I'm calling it The Case of the Cursed Dodo.

Nayu's thoughts
Someone in my family adores panda, and I happen to think they are cute. It made it really hard to see Jake as a tough Panda, I just kept thinking how sweet he must be underneath the professional exterior. If you think dodos are dead, well think again for this adventure definitely has one in it! Jake has to do battle with plans going not exactly according to plan, and dealing with unexpected enemies who really put a spanner in the works of his mission. He rises to the challenge and is able to unravel the mystery before I do – as usual I gave up trying to figure things out and just kept reading. 

I gave this 8/10E mostly because I found it a bit disjointed having the scenes explained in the way they were. I'd get into the story for a chapter, then be pulled out of it for the start of the next. I can appreciate that for a lot of readers this helps set the scene in their minds, and helps recap the previous chapter, but for me I like a fully flowing story. I'm interested in reading more adventures from Jake because the humour made me laugh and the adventures were just a little crazy. 

Be sure to check out the dedicated website

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