Sunday 15 February 2015

The Little Dragon I Can’t by Timo Firtina & Vivien Stennulat (Children’s, Picture book, 10E/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

 September 2014, KreTiVi Production, 52 pages, Ebook, Review Copy

Summary from KreaTiVi Production
“I can’t! Will you help me?” For the little dragon everything is too difficult. He thinks he cannot do anything that he is asked to do. Through his “I can’t! Will you help me?” and his little dragon tears, he makes Mummy and Daddy Dragon, who cannot see their little one cry, help him with everything. But one day, on a trip, the little dragon loses his parents and is suddenly on his own in the great forest. All by himself? No, he does not stay all alone for long. He meets new friends in the forest who are there for him and try to help him. Together with his new friends the little dragon discovers, what lies dormant in him and he grows beyond himself.

Nayu's thoughts
My first reaction to seeing the cover was AWWWW! I'd like to know who can resist such a cute little dragon! The mega cute 3D style illustrations are teamed with a clever, true to life tale. 

There are numerous occasions, often when we are little but equally often when we are so-called adult, where we are hesitant, and don't have the self-confidence and self-belief to try doing things which are new. Maybe it is past memories of failing, and the wish not to fail that can hold us back. I think for this dragon it's more a case of he doesn't want to rather than he can't, but at least he does ask for help, and receives it. 

This is probably better suited to the 5 years + readership, as some of the pages are all text, but with help everyone can enjoy this cute dragon adventure!

1 comment:

DMS said...

I love dragons and this book looks adorable! Sounds like a great one to read with a child. :) Thanks for sharing!