Sunday 30 November 2014

Made by Raffi by Craig Pomranz and Margaret Chamberlain (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

June 2014, Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 40 pages, Hardback, Review copy 

Content: knitting, friendship, love

Summary from Frances Lincoln
 Raffi is a shy boy who doesn’t like noisy games and is often teased at school. But when he gets the idea of making a scarf for his dad’s birthday he is full of enthusiasm, even though the other children think it is girly to knit. Then the day draws near for the school pageant, and there is one big problem – no costume for the prince. And that’s when Raffi has his most brilliant idea of all – to make a prince’s cape. On the day of the pageant, Raffi’s cape is the star of the show.

Nayu's thoughts
I couldn't say no to a knitting picture book, considering I love crochet, and can knit but find crochet easier on my health these days. Plus, and this is a big plus, Raffi is boy! He's doing what can be seen as a 'girly' past time. But he both family and friends that knitting is for everyone! Which it is. You can't beat starting a new project and squeeing over yarn, or diving into a current project - which, entertainingly, is called a wip Work In Progress, just like a novel! - and Raffi's story is a fantastic tale promote the benefits to all of knitting. 

By the way, I had no idea Craig was an opera singer until I checked out his website.
Suggested read
On with the knitting theme- this time for older readers - check out Boys Don't Knit by T. S. Easton (Young Adult, 9/10E)

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