Sunday 20 January 2013

Confessions Of An Angry Girl by Louise Rozett (Young Adult, 9/10)

4th January 2013, Mira Ink 
288 pages, Paperback
Review copy 

Content: moderate swearing, reference to teen romance 

Summary from Mira Ink (for the ebook) 

This is a story about ROSE. About the occasional panic attack and being fourteen in the suburbs without a mobile phone. Read it and weep Rose's first year at Union High isn't exactly going to plan. Her family's broken, her supposed best friend's going boy crazy and Rose is so far behind socially that she might as well be moving backwards. Until her brother's friend Jamie offers her a ride home - and a way into the world of his popular clique - if only it weren't for his perfect cheerleader girlfriend. Now Rose is learning how to climb the wobbly high-school social ladder, while struggling to hang on to what matters the most...

Nayuleska's thoughts 

I expected a girl throwing full on fits, wrecking things etc but that wasn't the case. Rose isn't as confrontational as I expected. In many ways, such as her attitude towards boys, she and I are alike. I loved how her older brother gave her advice, since this is the ideal I have in my head of older brothers (I don't have any). It felt like he was the parent more than her mother. The bullying which her best friend Tracy endured was vile, I'm glad that Rose didn't have to witness all of it, but I wish it never had to happen. Rose had more backbone than I expected - there were times I wanted to cheer when she made a good decision, other times I wanted people to help her out in this 9/10 read. For some reason the swearing didn't seem to suit Rose. I guess maybe this is part of her anger coming through, but it didn't feel right. 

You can find out more on Louise's website

Suggested read 

Try one of my favourite books for a troubled girl, Zelah Green: Who Says I'm a Freak?  
 and Zelah Green: One More Problem by Vanessa Curtis

1 comment:

brandileigh2003 said...

Glad you enjoyed. It wasn't what I expected either, but I ended up liking it.
Happy reading,
Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog