Saturday 20 March 2010

Catherine's Story by Genevieve Moore, Illustrated by Karin Littlewood

January 2010, Frances Lincoln
32 pages, Hardback
Review Copy


Smiles: 5
Yunaleska's recommended rating: ♥♥♥♥

Summary from Frances Lincoln

What makes Catherine so special? She can't talk, she can't walk like her cousin Frances can. But Catherine listens very hard (hardly anyone does that), and she can walk in her special shoes, but when Frances tries, she just falls over! And her claps are so quiet that hardly anyone can hear them. These are the things that make Catherine special and, because her family knows how special she is, this makes them feel special too - so Catherine's Dad tells her as he puts her to bed. Just before he turns off the light, he sees Catherine smiling and clapping her hands.
...Inspired by the author's own experience with her young niece who was similarly disabled by a kind of epilepsy known as infantile spasms or West Syndrome, Catherine's Story is evocatively illustrated by a highly experienced artist who thoroughly researched the details of her subject's abilities and daily life.

I chose this story because a few people in society look down on people who aren't seen as 'normal' (Normality doesn't really exist, but some people are delusional and think there is a set way to view the world (not that this is an issue which annoys me, or anything!)).

Catherine's sister doesn't initially understand why what Catherine does is amazing. She can do some of things Catherine does, but as their father explains her sister doesn't do it exactly the same way as Catherine.

It is a fantastic way of showing how much people like Catherine give to the world. They made need to do things differently, or have a bit of extra help for daily things, but their happiness is catching. I can say from experience that something as simple as a hug from someone like Catherine made me overflow with happiness, needing a few extra tissues before I left my friend and her family.

The illustrations are brightly coloured, conveying Catherine's personality and the joy she brings to her family. The story is well written, and demonstrates that everyone in the world has a talent, and can make people smile. This is rather a short review, but there isn't much else to say about this great book. Go read it!


Jenny Woolf said...

ice review and the pictures remind me a bit of those ladybird books we used to see!

Nayuleska said...

Thank you! I grew up with the ladybird books :)