Tuesday 7 December 2021

Semeli To the Magic Bagel Land by Despina Mavridou, Chrysoula Verikiou, and Elena Zikou (Children's, 5 years +, 8/10E)


 June 2021, 26 pages, Paperback, Ebook, Review copy 

Book Summary

 One day her aunt decides to take her to the magic Bagel Land with her flying train. During the trip Semeli discovers new places, makes some new friends that might be a bit different than herself and in the end she concludes that Bagels taste better if you share them with your friends.

Nayu's thoughts 

Despina has create  a fantasy world where Semeli can travel anywhere on her aunt's magic train. Semeli is a fussy eater which frustrates her mother, her favourite food is bagels and she  just doesn't want to eat other things. Her aunt whisks her away are far away lands, where she meets and plays with new friends who look and sound different, but none of that matters because they have fun together. She decides to be less fussy as she wants to share her bagels with her friends. 

There are occasional places where the English felt a bit awkwards, in the land of bagels despite everything being made of bagels the illustrations looked like sweets. However the vibrant images do a fine job sharing the whimsical nature of Semeli's journey, there is a strong positive message about friendship and eating a variety of food too. Semeli is a charming child who simply wants to enjoy life. She adores her aunt who feels the same way too. 

Suggested read

For more food themed fun check out Lulu's Lunch by Camilla Reid, illustrated by Allie Busby (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)


1 comment:

Doc At CDI said...

when my kids were little, they were picky eaters, but the mind is a wonderful thing, they would not touch spaghetti but they loved "worms in blood sauce" perspective is a beautiful thing, and I'm pretty sure I could make a complete balanced diet out of bagels given the inspiration of a child :)