Saturday 23 April 2016

The Storm Leopards by Holly Webb (Children's, 9 years +, 10E/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

  September 2015, Stripes Publishing, 192 pages, Hardback, Review copy 

Content: major peril and cute illustrations! 

Summary from Little Tiger Press
The countdown to Christmas has begun, and Isabelle is enjoying a family day out at the zoo. As her sister watches the penguins, Isabelle is the only one to catch a glimpse of a snow leopard, with its beautiful spotted silver-grey coat and long fluffy tail.

Fascinated by these rare and endangered creatures, Isabelle tries to find out what she can do to help protect them. Little does she know she’s about to be whisked into her very own magical snow leopard adventure, where a mother and her cubs are in danger…

Nayu's thoughts
The legendary Holly has written another superb winter themed story that made me laugh and cry. I love how Holly's winter themed books introduce me to life in a society I know little about. I spend minutes not seconds looking at the cute detailed illustrations which combined with Holly's epic storytelling (I'm a fangirl and proud!) make me feel like I'm there. 

It was a bit hard emotionally to read because I know there are lots of animals who are endangered thanks to people doing what their ancestors did, not realising that we do have a duty of care to animals too. Snow leopards are my favourite big cat because of their colouring, making the touching scenes Isabelle has with the cubs that bit more memorable for me. Another to add to my growing collection of Holly books!

Find out more on Holly's website.  

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