Saturday 20 June 2015

Families, Families, Families by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang (Children's, Picture book, Non-Fiction, 10E/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

 11th June 2015, Random House Children's Publishers, 

Content: humour

Book summary
A host of silly animals in dozens of combinations demonstrate all kinds of nontraditional families! Cleverly depicted as framed portraits, these goofy creatures offer a warm celebration of family love.

Nayu's thoughts  
Older readers know how this thing called normality doesn't exist, since every family has various issues and unique scenarios. I love how this book celebrates the differences in families, with emphasis on the adults at the head of the family since not everyone has a mother and father looking after them. Sometimes it is grandparents. Other times it is step-parents, or two mothers. Yet whoever you live with and wherever you live, every single family is united by love (even if it isn't always clearly demonstrated). This is a perfect way of explaining what life is like in reality – often different, sometimes challenging, but filled with love and kindness.

Find out more on Suzanne and Max's website.

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