Wednesday 17 June 2015

Cindercast, A Tale of Tides by Michael Blackbourn (Children's, 9 years +, 9/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

  February 2015, 164 pages, Ebook, Review copy 

Summary from Amazon (I don't gain anything by mentioning them)
For Ollie, a tiny quarter-inch tall Seelie, surviving the stormy sea is only the beginning. The ten-year-old finds herself lost on an unfamiliar shore littered with strange artifacts. With a brave crab as an ally against the monstrous beach creatures, Ollie must race the rising tide to find her way home. 

Nayu's thoughts
When I first saw the info for this book, I thought the story sounded a bit on the freaky side for me (I like straight forward, not weird and wonderful, tales at the moment. But then I saw the artwork..and I simply had to read Ollie's story, even if she did have what sounds like a boy's name. It is a bit freaky, but I was so wrapped up in Ollie's tale that I didn't care. I was urging her on to solve every problem. I loved the concept of cinderblocks, although I'm still not entirely sure what they are. I love the crab companion who adds compassion and more fear to the tale. Be warned, there is an evil cliffhanger of an end which has me wanting book 2 right now!

Be sure to check out Michael's website for colour versions of the internal illustrations, which are super squee!
Ollie thinking in colour!!!

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