Wednesday 3 December 2014

Nayu's News #155 Rolling with it

For once this is me & not my Muse!
I'm rolling with the effects the colder winter weather has on my body, hence the reduction in reviews this week. They will hopefully happen from this weekend, maybe Friday, probably Saturday.   I promise I'm resting far more than I want to, and not reading/writing/blogging nearly enough as I want to. We should so be like cute animals and hibernate! 

I'm making the most of it, enjoying whatever I watch or listen to. I'm also enjoying feeling a bit productive with the crochet progress too. Just wanted to let you know I'm ok, just going through what I usually go through at this time of year. 
The bouncy side of me is still here, but so too is the unbouncy side, like one of these girls is happy and the other not so.

When I feel like Sophie from the anime Pripara....(link takes you to full explanation of that)
all things cute & fun help keep me distracted
like Kanome's enthusiasm in Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream anime....
I love imagining I'm Aira (or Kanome, or the other girls, being a magical ice skater... Aira who performs cute and fun prism jumps! Yes I'm going to be watching some episodes tonight ^o^
However you revive yourself, be sure to make time to do it to get your spirits back up each day!

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