Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The Cupcake Diaries: Emma All Stirred Up by Coco Simon (Children's, 7 years +, 10/10)

3rd January 2013, Simon and Schuster
160 pages, Paperback
Review copy 

Summary from Simon and Schuster

Emma is not thrilled with always needing to rearrange her schedule to babysit her younger brother, Jake. Now Emma's parents have broken the news that really threatens to push Emma over the edge--since Emma and Jake are going to the same day camp this summer they will take the bus together, and
Emma has to sit with Jake. Which means not only can't she sit with her friends--she has to comfort Jake who gets "bus sick" on a regular basis!

Nayuleska's thoughts 

I adore this series which revolves around a tight group of friends through the ups and downs of life. Each book is from a different character's point of view, and as you can see from the title this is from Emma's pov. Although I don't have a sibling younger than me, it was easy to sense how much Emma hated the summer plan! Although she did get off a bit lightly since she didn't get to stay with her younger brother during the day at camp. 

There was a feel good factor when she took part in some camp activities because it was for the girls only - which meant they could get close to each other and not be teased about it. Emma has a few issues having her camp friends and her cupcake club friends, but they manage to work issues out for a happy ending. & yes, there are plenty of cupcakes in this 10/10 read! 

Suggested read 

Be sure to check out previous books in the series including another Emma-centric book, The Cupcake Diaries: Emma on Thin Icing.

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