Saturday 27 August 2011

Jack Stalwart: The Hunt for the Yeti Skull: Nepal by Elizabeth Singer Hunt (Children's, 7 years +)

June 2011, Red Fox 
124 pages, Paperback
Review copy

Children's, 7 years + 

Theme: adventure, rock climbing, traps, danger of ice environments, working as a team, equipment glitches, funky gadgets, enemies, friends

Summary from Random House 
Jack Stalwart may be a top rock climber, but no amount of practise can prepare him for the most gruelling climb of all, Mount Everest. When a skull believed to be that of a yeti is stolen by an evil collector of curiosities, Jack must brave one of the most inhospitable places on earth to retrieve it...

Nayuleska's reasons for loving Jack....he has oodles of gadgets, isn't the best climber (truly, others beat him) but that makes him more human. 

How nasty/evil is the enemy? Not only do Jack's enemies fight back, they are bad winners too. 

Are there plenty of plot twists and surprises? There's a huge story twist in the middle which made me blink a few times. 

One of my favourite parts was...when Scarlett set up one of the gadgets because she did it so casually and it was pretty cool. 

I did like the information at the front about Nepal and Jack, but it took several pages to get to the start of the story. Some of the information, especially how the gadgets worked, was explained in the story itself and I felt that the extra explanation wasn't that interesting. That's why I give this 7/10. 

Find out more about Elizabeth on her website (which is really cool!) 

Suggested read
For action and adventure try Andy McNab's Drop Zone 

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