Friday 17 May 2013

Immortal Eclipse by Sherry Soule (Urban fantasy/paranormal romance, 10/10 E), Interactive Guest Blog Post and Competition INTERNATIONAL ends 31st May

This is the final version of the cover!

April 2013, Disenchanted Publishing
364 pages, Kindle 
Review copy 

Themes: determination disguised as stubbornness, miles of intrigue, people who seem to hate Skylar on first sight or are shifty, lots of goings on left unexplained to Skylar, having a constant battle of wills, being kept in the dark, making tentative friends, never giving up, putting up with murders and the police getting suspicious, finding out who you are, believing in paranormal, lots of tense situations and spooky moments

Content: some adult relations, possibly the odd swear word (I can't quite remember....), lots of humour

Summary from Sherry's website
  A devoted fashionata and practical New Yorker, Skylar Blackwell doesn’t believe in the supernatural—until she inherits Summerwind Mansion. . . .
When her uncle is brutally murdered, and the cops seem uninterested in following up the case, Skylar journeys to California to seek answers. Her search for clues is soon overshadowed by haunting nightmares of a young woman also murdered in the house.
Now the inhabitants of Summerwind are mysteriously dying, leaving no evidence as to how or why, and Skylar finds herself in a deadly race against time to expose the killer—before they strike again.
The problem is . . . whoever it is may not be human.
Armed with only wit and Pradas, Skylar begins questioning the servants, but the growing list of suspects includes the sexy and brooding caretaker, Dorian Delacroix, a man desperately trying to forget his tragic past. And a major distraction for Skylar.
Determined to play detective—instead of the fashion police—and unravel the dark history of the mansion, Skylar is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away. As the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, Skylar’s greatest challenge is to stay alive long enough to learn the truth.

Nayuleska's thoughts 
Skylar's story is EPIC! At times I found myself frequently  holding my breath because there is some pretty scary hauntings going on, but these are tempered by Skylar's hilarious  snarky comments and her determination not to give in to others. That's why it gets the highest reading of 10/10 E, and is on my stack of comfort reads - yes I did make sure I read it in daylight!

Suggested read 
If you like books a little on the scary side filled with lots of intrigue then check out Kate Cann, especially her trilogy involving a big house which starts with Possessed
Guest Blog Post: “Which Immortal Character Would YOU Most Likely Be?”

Nayu here! Today's guest blog post from Sherry is slight different than the usual ones. It's not an article about writing. Nor is it an interview. It interview with YOU! Of sorts ^o^ Plus it'll prove invaluable to gain extra points for the competition!

Now take this super fun quiz to see which character you’d most likely be similar to, and score an eBook version of IMMORTAL ECLIPSE! 
Answer this quiz, post your results in the comments, and be sure to check the bottom of the post for the details regarding this giveaway. 

1. What’s your favorite season?
a) Winter - Cloudy, Chilly, Rainy, Stormy
b) Fall - Windy, Misty, Foggy, Mild
c) Summer - Hot, Dry, No Wind, Sunny
d) Spring – Warm, Breezy, Greenery, Brisk

2. I detest using labels, but what would others call you at school?
a) Normal or Jock/ Cheerleader
b) Preppy/ Student Counsel
c) Amateur Fashionista
d) Girlish tomboy

3. Which of the following best describes your personality?
a) Snobbish, Eccentric, Perky
b) Haughty, Moody, Smart
c) Tough, Snarky, Weird
d) Playful, Vivacious, Straightforward

4. Which genre do you read most often?
a) Urban Fantasy
b) Horror / Dark YA
c) Paranormal Romance
d) Dystopia

5. You are at school and witness a student bullying someone. What do you do?
a) Run in the opposite direction before they pick on you
b) Laugh and join in on the fun
c) Stop and tell the bully to knock it off or else!
d) Go tell a teacher what’s going on

6. What’s your hairstyle?
a) Short and sassy
b) Long and straight
c) Medium with highlights
d) Curly or wavy

7. What’s your typical breakfast?
a) Eggs and bacon
b) Oatmeal and orange juice
c) Coffee and a Pop tart
d) Heaping bowl of my fav cereal

8. What type of pet would you like to have or do you own?
a) Hamster
b) Small Dog
c) Shade
d) Cat

9. How often do you shop or hit the mall?
a) Only on sale days
b) Once or twice a month
c) Every week—duh
d) Hardly ever

If you answered...
Mostly a's: You are adventurous, clever, and outgoing. Let’s party!
Mostly b's: You are smart and humorous. Anyone would be lucky to be friends with a fashionata like you.
Mostly c's: You are not only stylish—you have great taste in movies and literature.
Mostly d's: You are a true romantic, and devoted to your family and friends. 

Places you can cyberstalk Sherry Soule: 
Twitter @WriterSherry: 

Nayu: Immortal Eclipse can be bought on that big online store with the same name as a South American river Am*z*n (UK & US

Nayu: Even better, you can win this book! It's an international competition, so wherever you are in the world you can enter to see why I'm jumping up and down about this read. Here's how Sherry describes it. 

If you like supernatural suspense mingled with a dash of chick-lit and a healthy dose of paranormal romance, then this is the book for you! 

Nayu:  - it is! All you have to do to win it is enter using this Rafflecopter. Simple!
IE eBook Giveaway:


Sherry said...

Thanks for having me as a guest and for the awesome review. I hope everyone enjoys this entertaining post, and they are interested in reading my new book, IMMORTAL ECLIPSE!

Happy Reading,
Hey! Check out My Books

Nayuleska said...

You're most welcome! It's fun to have different guest posts.