Friday 17 December 2010

Gargoylz Make a Movie by Burchett & Vogler

July 2010, Red Fox
128 pages, Paperback
Review copy
Mischief-making boys, enthusiastic gargoylz, lots of humour, film making, family and friendship, school life, imagination
Max has got his hands on a video camera and he and Ben have big plans to make their very own movie - with the Gargoylz in starring roles, of course! But will bully, Barry the Basher, spoil the show, or can the boys outwit him with the help of the Gargoylz and a super-cunning secret plan?
Nayuleska's thoughts
This series just keeps on getting better. Ben and Max never run out of ideas of what to do. I liked it when they went exploring and met a few of the Gargoylz having fun. They try a few ideas out for making a movie, and reminisce about old pranks involving the Gargoylz. The Gargoylz themselves have a lot of ideas for the movie - all of which are pretty good in my view. They have more sense than the bully Basher. 
Once again they amazed me with their enthusiasm and ingenuity for finding/making props and costumes for the movie. I was a bit worried about one of the props - but luckily Ben and Max realise some things shouldn't be touched, and encourage the Gargoylz to play with safer items. They are having great fun until Basher wants to join in. Reluctantly they agree, with a plan up their sleeves to change Basher's role. This provides much hilarity when the entire class views the film. I really liked having some of the story in the church, involving those who take care of it, and tricks the Gargoylz play on them. Equally I enjoyed how even when there is proof of the Gargoylz, people brush it off, using excuses for what the Gargoylz could be. 
As usual the book has a list of Gargoylz (including their abilities) at the back of the book, there's a codeword to find to unlock something on the website, and there are the funny reports for Ben and Max at the start of the book. I got a cute red version of Rufus as my sticky toy. The illustrations really add to the humour of the book - you really will laugh at every page. 
Final conclusion 
This time the Gargoylz will be seen by anyone who watches the movie - their daring acts amaze the audience, but their true secret is still safe. 
Be sure to check out the Gargoylz website! 
Have you read some of the other books in the series? These include Gargoylz Put on a ShowGargoylz On the Loose!, and Gargoylz Get Up to Mischief (although they do that frequently!) Gargoylz On the Go!, Gargoylz Ride to the Rescue and Gargoylz Summer Fun (there are more I haven't read) 

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