Tuesday 9 February 2010

50 followers contest!

Whoohoo! I've reached 50 followers!

This may not seem like much but I've been waiting a week or so for the number to rise. I'm hosting a competition in honour of having 50 lovely followers.

Competition will be announced this weekend.

Today I have been plagued with headache gremlins, thought I could last for a review but I can't. The more I type, the worse I feel.

So double review tomorrow and a blog tour! Yay!


Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Congratulations on 50 followers! So exciting, and you deserve it :)

Ivana said...

Congrats on your fifty followers! I'm somewhere around that number too. Each one of your followers is well deserved, may there be many more!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching the 50 Member mark!
All the best,

Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on reaching 50 followers! Yay!

Hope your headaches gremlins are gone by now. Those gremlins are the worst. BTW, I have an award for you here. :-)

Krispy said...

Eck! I hope your headache is better. But YAY for the followers!!! Congrats! :)

Nayuleska said...

Thanks everyone! I'm figuring out the prize for the 50 follower contest. It won't be a book!

Headache gremlins have pitched camp for a second day. So there will be 1 review only. *grumbles*

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better. I had a headache all last week. Could barely read words on a page or screen, it was a nightmare. Then over the weekend a nasty cold came out. The good news is now my headache is gone. I still feel cold-infested but I can actually read. Congratulations on your 50 followers.

iffath said...

Congrats ;)

Nayuleska said...

Thank you!

Headache gremlins have most definitely fled. Yes!!!

Katherine Langrish said...

Here's one more author who loved/loves 'The Little White Horse'!
And I love 'Linnets and Valerians', too, and 'Smoky House' - all by Elizabeth Goudge.

Lovely to visit your blog! Incidentally, Kate will be visiting mine and answering questions about Australian fantasy on the 25th.

Nayuleska said...

Thanks Katherine! I'll try and send you an email soon about LWH for my future post :)