Saturday 13 June 2020

Amazing Islands by Sabrina Weiss and Kerry Hyndman (Non-fiction, Children's, 5 years +, 9/10E)

4th June 2020, What On Earth Publishing, 64 pages, Hardback, Review copy 

Summary from What On Earth Books
Embark on a breath-taking tour of over 100 islands found all around the world!

Discover over 100 of the planet’s most magical islands!

Their wildlife, history, diversity, people, cultures, treasures and more…

From islands that have been taken over by animals to disappearing islands, islands made of shells, artificial islands and even islands that were once prison colonies, this book takes you on an exciting tour of some of the smallest land masses in the world.

Nayu's thoughts 
I love learning about we live in. I know islands exist, some are really big, bigger than the United Kingdom where I live in England, some are smaller like nearby Jersey in the Channel Islands which I have visited as a child, and some are tiny. I knew a lot of islands existed, but having a book devoted to them shows the sheer number and how varied the environment of each island is. Some islands are volcanoes. Some islands are too dangerous for humans to visit. Some have unique tribes or architecture. Some are a wildlife paradise. 
Amazing Islands covers a lot of tiny islands, using gorgeous illustrations to help the reader understand what the islands are like. There is an incredible amount of info crammed into this book, which should encourage further study into other islands, or the life of explorers and wildlife in general. The only issue I have is that the text wasn't always put in the best font/colour/brightness, so it may not be the easiest read for people with visual impairment. I can read most things, but when I am tired I can struggle if a text is the wrong shade/colour for the background it is printed on.

Suggested read 
I have to do a shoutout to one of my favourite non-fiction reads, which goes into detail about what a particular country is like: A Kiwi Year and A Canadian Year by Tania McCarney and Tina Snerling (Children's, Non-fiction, 10E/10E)