Friday, 13 May 2016

Nibbles The Book Monster by Emma Yarlett (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E, short 'n' sweet review)

April 2016, Little Tiger Press, 20 pages, Hardback, Review copy 

Summary from Little Tiger Press
Nibbles is a very naughty book monster – he's chomping, munching and nibbling his way through fairytales that don't belong to him! Can you help catch him and put him back in his own story?

Nayu's thoughts 
 Nibbles is book hungry and enjoys wrecking fairytales!) I'm thankful that my book came with an actual Nibbles toy!!!! 
Nibbles is deciding whether he should a) eat my review or b) eat my novels in progress!!!!
I adore his book self and his toy self! I have the sound of Disney's Stitch cackling away as Nibbles' 'voice' while I read this. I love how Emma recreates Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, and Jack and the Beanstalk (which due to the way the words were placed around the illustrations looked like Beans Talk, providing much amusement), how the well known fairytales have actual books within Nibbles' adventure, rather than just written on an ordinary page. 

I hope that readers get interested in the other titles mentioned on the bookshelves which Nibbles scampers through - I've read some of them. The ending was a slightly expected surprise which made me shake my head and imagine my Nibbles toy bouncig around happily ^o^ You definitely want Nibbles on your bookshelf, so long as you keep him locked up! 

Find out more on Emma's website

Somehow I don't think my birds are impressed at me keeping Nibbles in with them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May I know where I can buy this toy? He is so cuuuuuute!