Thursday 30 October 2014

Seal Island by Julia Green (Children's, 9 years +, 10/10E, semi short 'n' sweet review)

2014, Oxford University Press, 192 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Grace is excited about her holiday, staying with Granny at her house in the Hebrides. She makes friends with local boy Col, and together they go exploring all over the Island. One day, Grace discovers a baby seal injured on the beach. She's not sure if she can save it, but she's determined to try . . .

Nayuleska's thoughts
Before reading Grace's story I'd heard about seal sanctuarys, but I had no idea what was involved in a seal rescue. I enjoyed learning what to do and what not to do with a stranded seal – some of the guidelines aren't easy to follow if you love animals, but it is necessary to limit interference with nature. 

What initially drew me to this book was the fact that Grace gets to stay with her grandmother on her own. It sounds so cool! I remember the very first time I stayed over at my grandfather's house on my own. It was a huge deal. All the emotions which Grace feels, the freedom, the enjoyment of having all of her grandmother's attention for herself and not her siblings, are spot on. There are times when she misses her family, but there is so much adventure going on those moments don't last for long. You'll need a tissue when Grace's grandfather gets mentioned – definitely weepy moment alerts! All in all a charming read. 

Find out more on Julia's website

Suggested read
For another beach themed book in the 9 years + category check out the hilarious Me, Jill Robinson! A Seaside Mystery by Anne Digby (Children's, 10E/10E)

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