Sunday 14 July 2019

Willowwood Snug by Kitty Irvine (Children's, 5 years +, 10/10E)

March 2019, Independently Published, 30 pages, Ebook, Review copy

Book summary
Welcome to the magical world of Willowwood Snug. Identical twins 'Tippy & Tilly' are excited as it's their first day at school. Come and meet their friends and all of the lovely animals who live in Willowwood Snug

Nayu's thoughts 
The cover is super cute, just like the story inside. Starting school is a big deal for any child, and I love how in Willowwood Snug that importance is focused on in a grand ceremony. I hadn't expected the way children are judged on being ready for school - some may like that, I possibly wouldn't considering how short I am which should give a clue on the judgement method! Tippy and Tilly's excitement is clear to see, everyone is so proud for them. They experience their first day at school which ends with more great news which clearly sets the path for future stories (since the great news doesn't happen in this book).

What I found most charming was how everyone was dressed in Willowwood Snug. Depending on whether you were male or female, young or an adult there was a dress code that was cute and I would have loved to wear. Kind of wish I'd had this book when I was at school because I would have loved dressing up on days where uniforms are ditched for book characters. Regardless of being individuals the community is a friendly one, which Tippy and Tilly experience in their school adventure. I certainly want to read more! 

Find out more on Kitty's website

Suggested read

and one for older readers (the cover has been changed since I read it, but I prefer the one I had) The Trials of Eddi Dutch by Kitty Irvine (Young Adult, 10E/10E)

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