Saturday 13 July 2019

Revew + Competition + Guest Blog Post Mr Rainbow by Richard Peters and Tayo Olarewaju (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)

 March 2019, SJH Publishing, 32 pages, Paperback, Review copy

Book summary from SJH Publishing
Mr Rainbow is the story of two children, Olly and Poppy, who work together to help out their rainbow friend. When the two are playing in the garden, Mr Rainbow appears and is upset that he has lost one of his colours. The brother and sister work together to help fill in Mr Rainbow’s missing colour until he is happy again. This feel-good story aims to inspire children to work together to help others, through a calming storyline and soothing pastel colour scheme that will be the ideal bedtime read

Nayu's thoughts
I read anything with a rainbow on the cover, so this book got an immediate acceptance for review from me. It is cuter than I hoped for! The children are overflowing with kindness, giving me warm fuzzy feelings as I followed Olly and Poppy checking with every single living creature to see who was upset. They are likeable, kind characters, which promotes good behaviour to other children. They keep going until their goal is reached, making the end a touching moment. The inspiration they have on how to help Mr Rainbow promotes craft activities which other readers will enjoy. 

It really does have positive messages wrapped in the story which don't feel preachy. As if to make the book look even better it came wrapped in an envelope made of wrapping paper which is so cute I've kept it! That didn't influence my review - reviewers can't be bribed guys!! This has top marks because it is a brilliant read in all aspects! It has colouring pages too at the back which I can't recall seeing in a picture book before. 

Find out more at the dedicated Facebook page

All about Richard

Nayu: Richard kindly wrote some information about himself and Mr Rainbow:take a read then enter the competition to win a signed copy! 

Hello, my name is Richard Peters and this is my first book, Mr Rainbow.  

I live in North London with my family – super wife / mummy Nicola and our 2 boys Charlie aged 5 and Oscar who is 2.  

The idea for the books and Mr Rainbow evolved over time between me and Charlie who was then just 3. So every night after reading a book or two, I also tell stories that I make up that we call “Daddy’s Once Upon  A Times” Charlie has always since he could sit still, been obsessed (and extremely talented of course) with anything creative and artistic and has always been fascinated by Rainbows.  

One evening, just a few days after Oscar arrived into the world he insisted that from that point on, as Oscar’s big brother and “looker-afterer” that all Once Up A Time stories had to make sure that Oscar was safe and even though they are just stories, he still wanted to make sure his baby brother wouldn’t get hurt. I melted and realised that the days of us saving aliens in rocket made out of marshmallows from an evil planet that had the face of a lion but wore funky glasses and a top hat, are gone forever. However, we came up with Mr Rainbow over the next few weeks who is much better than anything else we had made up already! (I still like the idea of a planet like this though)! 

Since then i have developed Mr Rainbow into a series of different stories. All of them have a message or moral that, as parent, I want my own children to learn. Whether it be the importance of forgiveness or kindness or learning about recycling and nature, each book in the series carries something relevant that is good for a child to understand and know of. My children are a very  important part of creating new stories and how to express them as they see the world in a way that other children will understand which I feel gives the books something that an adult cannot and in turn something special that both parents and children will enjoy  

Also, at the end of the each book we have put some black and white versions of a few drawings used in the story as colouring in pages! 

Extra notes
On Friday's Richard reads to children at schools and nursery's around the London and the Home Counties. He does not charge the school a penny, and the parents can purchased a signed copy on the day - so far he has read to approx 2000 children since Feb this year and we are always looking to go to more schools (as long as they have large amounts of 3-6 year olds) for free :-)


If you would like a chance to win a signed copy of the book simply fill in the form below! UK entrants only. 


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