Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Nayu's Feature Post #1: Illustrators raise money for Three Peas charity

This post is about an illustration charity auction that took place late June. I was contacted by a publicist who volunteers with the sweetly named charity, Three Peas, who help refugee families stranded in Greece.  I'd hoped to post this sooner, but life happened. While the auction is over, the charity still needs support, so I thought I'd share the info about the event and what the charity does. You can find more on their website, and the auction website if you're interested.
They raised just over £11,000 - yes that's eleven thousand pounds! Whoohoo! 
The publicist told me it's much more than they hoped to raised, that Three Peas can continue their housing project (renting flats for the most vulnerable), and with the running of the community centre in Sindos (paying rent, teachers -often refugees themselves-, journeys to hospital etc). As you can see the charity provides a wide range of care for the refugees, and the auction has meant their vital work can continue. If you want to support them, you can, and if you don't that's fine too. Just reading this post is important, as you may then discuss it with friends and family.

Illustrators involved in the auction
Nayu: I recognised a few of the illustrators  - do you? Here's the list, with a links to a review of their work if they are on this blog.
Anke Kuhl
Axel Scheffler
Barbara Nascimbeni
Bethan Woollvin

Chris Riddell
Ella Okstad

Helen Stephens
Ian Beck
Joel Stewart
Jonny Duddle
Katherina Manolessou
Kerstin Meyer
Kristina Stephenson
Lauren Child
Liz Pichon

Moni Port
Oliver Jeffers
Penny Dale
Peter Bailey
Philip Waechter

Rotraut Susanne Berner
Sarah Horne

Sophy Henn
Thomas M Mueller
Tony Ross
Tor Freeman 

Illustrations sold at auction included: 

A print by Moni Port,
Nayu: it's a sausage dog!!!
An original by Bethan Woollvin.
Nayu: Possibly Rapunzel, or a bored princess with long hair. Love the attitude!

Final words from Three Peas

33 illustrators, 56 pieces and so many bidders from all around Europe, our auction “Illustrators for Three Peas” has been a tremendous success!

Three Peas would like to thank the illustrators for their immense generosity, the bidders for their (reckless!) enthusiasm, and all the publishers, agents, bloggers, journalists, and organisations & individuals who helped spread the word. We couldn’t have done it without you.

We raised £11 000, which will carry the running of our community centre and our housing program for about two months, paying rents, teachers wages, medication supplies and much more.
For the refugee families and individuals stranded in Greece, with no choice but to rely on the kindness of strangers, the impact of your help is priceless.

Thank you for being the kind strangers!

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