Monday 13 February 2012

What are you reading? #102

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week
This week I've read a lot - I was on leave recovering from some treatment, so I had plenty of time for reading while I took things easy.

The Medusa Project: Hit Squad by Sophie McKenzie
(This is a suitable thrilling end to the series. I'm hoping there will be future books returning to the characters.)

Suzunari #1 by Shoko Iwami
Young Adult, Manga
(Every page produced laughs in this school life story with a fantasy twist. Having someone looking like an identical twin follow you around 24/7 certainly adds entertainment.  Check out my review right here...)

Alien Invaders: Hydronix, Destroyer of the Deep by Max Silver
Children's, 7 years +
(The enemies are getting tough, causing Cosmo more danger in his fight to save the galaxy!)

Alien Invaders: Atomic the Radioactive Bomb by Max Silver
Children's, 7 years +
(For the first time in the series I cried, which shows a book is good, in my view.)

Strawberry Marshmallow vol 1 by Barasui
Manga, Young Adult
(This super cute manga is also an anime (a very hard to find one, but I found it in time on a French website!).)

Gladiator: Street Fighter by Simon Scarrow
Children's, 9 years +
(Life in ancient Rome was tough, especially when you're plunged into the middle of political intrigue without your permission.)

The Flappers: Vixen by Jillian Larkin
Release Date:  1st March 2012
Young Adult
(Lots of rebellious behaviour and mysteries about a trio of friends...)

Lenore: The Hungriest Dog in the World by Jon Katz
(I'm more of a cat person, but even I was going 'awww' at Lenore's antics)

(Final cover art not available...)

The Worst Princess by Anna Kemp and Sara Ogilvie
Release Date:  April 2012
Children's, Picture book
(If you think you know everything about princesses, you're wrong...and I'm pretty sure you'll misinterpret the title too.)

Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie on the Road by Joel Stewart
Children's, Picture Book
(Sometimes the ability to make a lot of noise actually helps other people out.)

The Diabolical Mr Tiddles by Tom McLaughlin
Children's, Picture book
(A cat with a lot of attitude and a secret 'job'.)

Slide by Jill Hathaway
Release Date:  1st March 2012
Young Adult
(I nearly put this book down because it got rather dark, but I was in tears at the end so was happy to have kept reading.)


New category: Books I've half read
These are books which I can't complete at the moment because they are too gory, dark and/or morbid for me right now. I've no idea when that will happen, as it depends on factors outside my control, but realistically these won't get read for several months. The books themselves are good, and I want everyone to know about them....hence this special highlight!

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Release Date:  2nd Feb 2012
Paperback, Review copy
Young Adult
I made it to page 6. I adore Kali's voice - there's lots of humour. I'm very intrigued by her nonhuman nature. Reason for putting it down: I could sense that this wasn't going to be a light read, so I didn't even bother getting further.

Ashes by Ilsa J Bick
Release Date:  October 2011
Review copy
Young Adult
I made it to page 74. It was too gory for to continue reading it, plus dystopians are mostly something I have to stay away from at the moment. I will definitely get back to it when I can. I love books where the protagonist has to look after a child (especially if it isn't their own) and I want to find out what has happened in the cities, but that will be something to look forward to when I return to it. .

India Dark by Kirsty Murray
Release Date:  January 2012
Review copy
Young Adult
I only got into it after page 58, but there wasn't quite enough to hold my interest so I stopped reading and I don't think I'll return to it. It is very good for its genre - it's not quite my type of book. I'm sure others will love this.

 Books I'm re-reading

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer
Young Adult
Still working my way through it, and remembered the fact that I peeked at the end and thought Bella turned into a werewolf. I was disappointed to find out she didn't....

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