Sunday 15 May 2011

Winner of Ondine: The Autumn Palace by Ebony McKenna is....

It's Sunday afternoon, and what better way to round off the weekend than announcing the winner of this lovely book! 

Both Ondine and Ondine: The Autumn Palace have been reviewed, plus coming up soon I've got an interview with the very lovely Ebony McKennna. 

I was pretty started to see that almost 40 of you had entered this competition - wow! It seems like you all want to get your hands on this gorgeous book (the cover is beautiful! 

There can only be one winner, and, using the usual random number generator, correlating it with my form, i can announce that the winner is....

Whispering words! 

Many congratulations! I'll be in touch by email shortly just in case you don't see this post, and the book will be winging its way to you on Wednesday morning, when I take my midweek trip to the post office. (I don't go every week, but if I do it's Wednesday and Saturday morning). 

I hope that all of you get to read this great series - I'd like to show you in the direction of my other current competition to win a copy of The Prisoner of the Inquisition by Theresa Breslin


  1. wow thank you so much! I really cant't believe i won, thanks nayu

  2. Thank you Nayu for running the competition, you did a fantastic job.

    Congratulations Whispering Words, I hope you have a wonderful time in Brugel with Ondine and Hamish.

  3. Hi Nayu, just to let you know that Ive emailed you my address but I had to send it from my mothers email account as my hotmails temporaily down. But again thank you so much, I cant wait to read this book! :)


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