Monday 16 May 2011

What are you reading? #67

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week

Bloodlines by Kate Cary
Young Adult, Paranormal
(Creepiest book ever....and a sequel to Dracula!  Check out my review over at Cem's Book hideout....)

Star Makers Club: Polly Plays her Part by Anne-Marie Conway
(Polly has a lot of issues and a love of the dramatics...and her cat.  My review....)


1st chapters of the following which are part of Fiction Express project.  All are ebooks and my reviews can be found right here....

Diary of a Mall Girl by Luisa Plaja
(Another drama queen!)

The Soterian Mission by Stewart Ross
Children's, Dystopian
(Dystopian with lots of drama!)

Soul Shadows by Alex Woolf
(A girl, alone in a cottage in a wood is ALWAYS near trouble.)

The Last Symbol by Rebecca Morton
Children's, Fantasy
 (Magic and chosen destinies for new teen Miko!)


Jessica's Trap by H K Hillman
(It says its Horror, but I put it in paranormal section [possibly YA with the tone of the book] - it's really good!  Check out my review at Cem's Book Hideout!)

Chosen Sister by Ardyth Debruyn
Children's, Fantasy
(Wizards and magic abound!  My review...)

Astrosaurs: The Sabre-Tooth Secret by Steve Cole
(More adventures from those intrepid dinosaurs.  My review is coming up this week....)

The Mountain's Blood by Lari Don
Children's, Historical
(You don't mess with a vengeful goddess - unless you're a volcano.  Review coming soon...)

The Jaws of Death by Malachy Doyle
Children's, Historical
(Read to find out how to turn a dragon into a dragonfly!  Review coming soon....)

Norton: The Loveable Cat who Travelled the World, by Peter Gethers
(This is one very clever and well travelled cat!)

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Young Adult, Paranormal/Fantasy
(I'm totally blown away with how awesome this book is!)

Quarry by Ally Kennen
(Scrappy encounters the darker life of texting...)

Hope your week in books was fantastic.  Wishing you happy reading in the week to come!

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