Monday 14 March 2011

What are you reading? #58

What are you reading on Monday? is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Home Girl's Book Blog where you post books completed last week and plans for upcoming books. Jump over to her blog and see who else is participating.

Books I've read this week

Mieradome by Kate O'Hegarty
Young Adult, Fantasy
(A tale about the fairy world residing in a large tree, with lots of magic and intrigue. Highly recommend it.  My review...)

(To me this is a fun sword & sorcery type of fantasy, with the heroes on a quest, facing both magical & physical challenges. Check out my review!)

Children's, Fantasy
(What happens if you mix up aliens, the FBI and an inquisitive thirteen year old? Organised chaos, lots of plot twists.  For a further peek check out my review!)

Young Adult, Fantasy
(*grins* If you love the ancient world, you'll enjoy this take on a Greek myth. I might be a little biased because I know Chrystalla online. Review & an interview is now up!)

Comedy Romance
(A book which happily surprised me, dealing with dark issues amongst the humour. Author interview [and maybe a competition] coming very soon!)

(Fab little stories with strong life messages. I'm reviewing these on my friend Cem's blog, and part one can be read here!)
Princess Poppy: The Play by Janey Louise Jones
(As ever I adore the tales about the girl who loves playing princess. This time she puts on a play. Well, she tries to.  My one-liner review posts later today....)
A good reading week so far. I'm hitting the weekend, which means books galore!!!!  I hope you've enjoyed whatever book you've read this week.
I normally don't say in advance what I'm planning to read, but with the competition for five people to win a copy of The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel, I'm finishing off the first book. Why? Well, I want to finish the re-read & I can reveal I've been able to nab one of the few reader copies of the latest book! It will arrive soon, so I want to be prepared for that. I'll be re-reading Sugar Rush by Kimber An because the prequel novella, Crush will be out on 25th March!!! I adored the first one, so want to be all caught up. I'm also re-reading The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney (got it for another blog tour, but won't be doing a second review).
Looking at it all, this week is full of re-reads! Yay! And I'll sneak in a few new reads too :)

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