Sunday 19 December 2010

In My Mailbox #8

Last week's IMM didn't happen, which means this week is a real bonanza of books! As always, I don't necessarily read these books when I get them. Sometimes they get a little wait before I devour them. But they all get read at some point :) I got lots of lovely books this time, some expected, others not. 

Nominee of the Costa Award, Children's, Gripping story (my review 

If Peter had written a diary while in the annex with Anne Frank, this is what it might have been like. A moving read. (my review) 

The last part of Frankie's story (nooo!), children's, a great way to end the series (my review 

For one of my 2011 reading challenges... 

Also for one of my 2011 reading challenges and for my Human Trafficking Awareness week in January

 This isn't published until June 2011, but it's getting a lot of publicity (hence the super dooper early copy) 
 This was a real surprise! I'd read it on an ARC tour, didn't think I'd actually receive it - yay! 
Small funny tale: in my box of books from Random House, I had the publicity sheet for this, but not the book itself! I loved the other (and only) book I read by Robin and loved it. So the lovely Rosi posted one to me (I didn't want to resort to staring longingly at the press release sheet).  

This is for one of my 2011 reading challenges and also for my Human Trafficking Awareness week in January

 This is for one of my 2011 reading challenges and also for my Human Trafficking Awareness week in January

 This book doesn't need an introduction! The pink is the proof copy, and the jacket contained the press release on the other side (but also can be used as a cover). (My review)
This is an adult book but it is now published by Puffin with a different cover because it is popular with children too 

Finally these two arrived! I've ordered them from a brilliant company who can source manga/light novels in the original Japanese. These light novels (which are basically novels) are book one and two of one of my favourite animes (I have a lot which are favourites) Shakugan no Shana. It's paranormal, is quite indepth, has a lot of humour - and Shana loves melon bread :)  

This is part of the series which has Mr Monster as the second book. I think I'll need to read a fluffy book both before and afterwards, if the last was anything to go by! And not read it at night. Or when I'm feeling sick - oops, problem with that one. I'll have to chew mints extra fast as I read it then. (My review of Mr Monster

That's it for the last two weeks of stash. I'm hoping to get more books this week, but who knows with the postal system during this busy period. 


  1. some really awesome books there - doesn;t low red moon look fab?

  2. Can I just say that I'm extremely jealous that you have Blood Red Road? Because I totally am!!

    That is also really cool that you have the cover of Entangled! I think you should frame it and hang it on the wall!! :P xo

  3. Great books this week! I'm dying to read Entangled!


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.