Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Don't worry, it's still the same blog. I was having issues with my template, so I decided a change was needed.

I hope it still feels a similar blog. I decided to keep the green theme, so its not too much of a difference. I find it funny I'm using green - its one of my least favourite colours!

As ever I am doing my best to read lots of wonderful books and get the reviews out for you. Reviews are more than just getting my opinions out into the world, although that was my original intention for this blog.

Reviews are for readers: there is nothing worse, as a reader, in liking a particular genre and getting stuck on what to read. I hope my reviews are a bit more than a book blurb, with enough details that you can decide whether a book is for you or not. I try not to have too many spoilers - what's the point in reading a book if I give all the plot twists away?

Reviews are for the authors. It may sound strange, but authors are human. They need reassurance that their work is good. I only request books which I feel I'll enjoy. I'm usually correct in my selection - that's why my ratings are usually high. I'm not paid to market books. I will say what I wasn't keen on. Yes, I get review copies from my kind donators. I give around half of the books away (to people who will read them and treasure them, or pass them on to others). I hope that my reviews persuade the authors to keep writing, that their books (whether intended or not) have an impact on their readers.

So here's to the new look of Nayu's Reading Corner!


  1. Loving the new look! And your reviews are awesome honey! I'm sure everyone appreciates them! :)


If you like the look of books reviewed, have read them, or have anything else to say, please leave a comment! Any comments with links in them that aren't for book/anime/film blogs will be removed.