Wednesday 21 October 2009

New donator #2

I already had a post called new donator, so that's why I put number 2 in. I have more than two!

I would like to introduce you to Prospera Publishing!

Prospera's Editorial Assistant sent me an email, asking if I'd like to review one, possibly two of their books because they come under the genres I review. I had a peek at the blurbs and the cover, and said yes straight away. These are exactly the kind of books I love! Prospera is a new, independent publishing house and I'm looking forward to watching them grow and flourish. Any new source of books for the world is news!

Prospera can be found here.

(Disclaimer: I'm not paid to advertise/promote any publisher. If I write about someone, it is because I'm genuinely interested in their company/work/authors/etc).

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