Sunday 28 May 2023

Review: Rita Wants A Dragon by Maire Zepf and Mr Ando (Children's, Picture book, 10/10E)


February 2022, Graffeg Limited, 36 pages, Paperback, Review copy

Book summary from Graffeg 

Meet Rita. She’s a little girl with very big ideas. When Rita gets cross she imagines she has a ferocious dragon that will make the world shudder with anger. But even the hottest tempers can be soothed and Rita’s mum knows just how.

Nayu's thoughts 

I, like Rita, want a dragon although not for the same reasons as Rita. Rita wants one to help express her anger and rage better when life takes turns she doesn't like. Anger isn't an issue I have these days but i feel my younger self could relate to Rita. These days I'm more patient if things go wrong, but it can be hard to express frustration when angry, and a big dragon does that perfectly.

  I like how the dragon is coloured similarly to Rita's clothes and hair. I like how eventually, once left alone Rita is reasonable and works out why she reacted the way she did and the way the story ends is utterly charming. I feel this will help talk about emotions with readers, how we may want to react all angry like a raging dragon but that isn't the best way to handle the situation. 

There is also a Welsh edition of the book!  

Suggested read 

For more dragon adventures check out Sir Scaly Pants: The Dragon Thief by John Kelly (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)


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