Tuesday 6 December 2022

Review: How To Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto by Dean Regas and Aaron Blecha (Children's, Non-fiction, 10/10E)

 May 2022, Britannica Books, 112 pages, Hardback, Review copy

Book Summary

Pluto has not been a planet since 2006. But this tiny world still inspires people of all ages while sparking controversy. In this delightfully witty book, astronomer Dean Regas teaches you how to educate your grown-up about the cutting-edge science of space, most crucially the reason why Pluto is NOT a planet anymore.

Delving into the history of space discoveries, the key players who have helped our understanding of the universe (including the 11-year-old girl who named Pluto in the first place), and the ever-changing nature of science, this book will equip every reader with the tools they need to bring their grown-ups fully up to speed, and to sneak in as many amazing astronomical facts as possible. 

And there’s a handy quiz at the end so that you can check your grown-up has been paying attention!

Nayu's thoughts 

I am one of those grown-ups who likes to believe Pluto is a planet. As a child I grew up with it being a planet, so I was eager to read why it isn't. There is so much good information in this book, and yes it's possible to spend an entire book talking about Pluto! Even though technically it isn't a planet as what makes a planet's definition has been changed, to me Pluto will always be a planet. It was for a time, and therefore it can be in my mind!

I liked how clearly it was explained why Pluto was a planet, and is not one. Rather than black and white illustrations they are blue and white, in keeping with what Pluto looks like.Despite being 2D some of the pictures popped off the page and felt 3D, almost all had a sense of humour to them.  I learnt about planets in general, moons, various scientific beliefs that changed over time as technology provided new evidence that change previously known facts. There is a timeline dedicated to Pluto facts, quizes at the back to see how much info was retrained from reading the book, and a much needed glossary, more useful to those new to astronomical terms. 

This is definitely essential reading if you don't understand why Pluto technically isn't a planet any more, and perhaps you will will join my team who pretends it still is a planet. I'm stubborn and I don't care! But at least the youth will know what Pluto really is, a once upon a time planet which is still an important part of our solar system. Or galaxy. Or both. I can't remember the difference between the terms. 

Suggested read

If you love space check out When We Walked on the Moon by David Long and Sam Kalda (Non-fiction, Children's, 10E/10E)


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