Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Little Owl's First Day by Debi Gliori and Alison Brown (Children's, Picture Book, 10E/10E)

August 2018, Bloomsbury Children's, 32 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Summary from Bloomsbury 
It's a big day for Little Owl. His first day at school. Little Owl doesn't want a big day though. He'd rather stay at home and have fun with Mummy and Baby Owl.

But at school he gets to build a rocket, learn to fly and even make a tiny new friend. Maybe big days spent with friends can be lots of fun after all!

Nayu's thoughts 
As soon as I saw this I fangirl squealed because I adore Debi's books so much. The stories are cute and are always teamed up with warm and fuzzy feeling making illustrations, with Little Owl's tale no exception. I really feel that Little Owl's behaviour sums up how scary school came seem compared to being at home with his mummy and younger sibling. Little Owl always seem to think that what he should be doing back home is better than any of the activities offered at school, but his reluctance does fade when he ends up enjoying himself, eventually. His attitude reminds me so much of the story how when I was young I refused to put on an apron at playgroup to do painting so I simply didn't do any! 

The expressions of Little Owl's mummy are priceless as she let's him push Baby Owl all the way to school in a hair-raising ride, even when it's hard she helps out subtly, knowing it's one way to help get him to school and not stay at home. I have a great respect for teachers and what they do, most especially the early year teachers who have to coax children out of their shells if they are shy and teach them things through play. If only every student could have a teacher as good as Miss Oopik. 

Find out more on Debi's website

If you go onto the Bloomsbury website through the link provided above there's a cute Little Owl activity kit! 

Suggested read

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