Saturday, 30 June 2018

Competition Winner for Across the Divide by Anne Booth

Have you won?
Apologies for the delay in posting the results - as you'll see in tomorrow's post (which is over on Nayu's Crochet Dreams today) while mostly welcome the current heatwave has been causing me (& countless other people) major sleep issues. 

Thank you to all who entered - I'm pleased to announce who is getting a copy of Across The Divide to enjoy! The winner is...

Yevhenii P!!!

Many congratulations! I will be emailing you soon and getting a copy over to you. I'm not saying where you live but it's in Europe and I hope it makes it to you safely. Books truly bring words to life all over the world! 

As always thank you for continuing to read my ramblings, reviews, and game + anime fangirl posts here on Nayu's Reading Corner!

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