Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Review + competition: A Fistful of Frost by Rebecca Chastain (Urban Fantasy, 10E/10E)

8th May 2018, Mind Your Muse Books, 422 pages, Ebook, Review copy

Book summary
Madison Fox is determined to reform Jamie, her half-evil pooka, but the bond linking her to Jamie works both ways. Already, it has manipulated her into bending the rules. If she continues down this path, she could doom her soul. Since her judgment can’t be trusted, a high-ranking inspector now dictates Madison’s every interaction with Jamie, and each directive drives them further apart.

Unfortunately, Madison has bigger issues than the potential degradation of her soul. Winter has struck with a vengeance. Frost moths plague the entire state, reinforcing the artificially frigid temperature. Worse, cold-blooded, soul-stealing enemies are flocking into her region from the north—creatures Madison has little defense against.

With the inspector scrutinizing her every misstep, Madison is in for the battle of her life. If she hopes to survive, she must make an impossible choice: save herself and her region or save Jamie.

Nayu's thoughts
Please note I'm heavily biased because I already love the series and am a huge fan-girl. I re-read book 1 and 2 just so I was on the ball for this one - links to their reviews can be found in the following pictures. This review follows on from the Spotlight post I did a few weeks ago.

A Fistful of Evil review The covers have been revamped so I still have the originals in the reviews
A Fistful of Fire review
Rebecca didn't disappoint me at all! I fell in love with the concept of the Pooka, Jamie, in book 2. I loved the entity he becomes, which made reading book 3 require a box of tissues because it is just awful for Madison for  large portion of the book. She definitely had no idea what being bonded to a Pooka meant, how far her emotions would be stretched, how empty her life could feel from something that she'd only had a short time. Some of my favourite parts were when Jamie was nice & he interacted with Madison's cat, being a cat owner I totally appreciated the reactions. 

I both loved and hated how awful life got for Madison - I wanted everything to magically be okay, for all her problems to be waved away. I think this is the most gloomy book to date, as there is death involved on top of the Jamie issue which was hard to read because I was so attached to the characters involved. Books that make me cry are absolutely brilliant in my eyes! 

Madison is easy to relate to despite her obvious differences from me, she gets unexpected trials and they get worse before they get better. Madison is resilient, more than she realises, and she also has help from her friends (okay some of the time). She manages to survive all the mishaps, even if she feels torn apart by all the stress. Weirdly the moth thingies while daunting didn't scare me, probably because I was convinced it would all be alright in the end. 

 I'm fairly sure there's even more life drama heading her way, but I can promise you I was happy with the ending that was given, and am already looking forward to rereading this series again. It's that good. Despite the drama there is a lot of humour in the book, which is why I keep reading as I don't like gloom and doom books these days. Life is so complex I need my happy endings! Go read it! You can buy a copy in the above links or maybe even win a copy in the competition below! 

Find out more on Rebecca's website

Competition Time! 
Not sure if the bonus gift is still available
If you would like to get your hands on this awesome trilogy (if you haven't already got your copies) then fill in the handy rafflecopter form below to be in with a chance to win a $25 dollars Amazon gift card! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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