Saturday, 19 August 2017

The Misadventures of Max Crumbly Middle School Mayhem by Rachel Renee Russell and Nicki Russell (Children's, 9 years +, 8/10E)

June 2017, Simon and Schuster Children's, 256 pages,  Hardback, Review copy 

Summary from Simon and Schuster
 When we last left our hero, Max Crumbly, he had crash-landed on top of a Mighty Meat Monster pizza after taking a late night tumble through the vents at South Ridge Middle School - and he was completely surrounded by three ruthless criminals!

Will Max be shredded to bits like mozzarella cheese on the hard and crunchy pizza crust of doom? Can his friend and sidekick, computer whiz Erin, help get him out of this sticky situation alive?

Nayu's thoughts
I was super eager to read this because book 1 ended on a cliffhanger which does get resolved!!! Unfortunately this book ends on a cliffhanger too. Yes I'm interested in reading book 3 to find out what happens, but book 1's cliffhanger was more cliffhangery (if there's such a word), and this continuation of Max's life didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. I can't pinpoint why my interest wasn't total, I mean there's Erin who is sassy and a tech geek who helps and hinders Max on his insane scenario (so a girl exists in the story, which is an important criteria for me)

I thought the accidental and on purpose incidences were funny and inventive, the illustration is exactly the same style as my beloved Dork Diaries series also by Rachel, and I laughed to myself a lot, but it didn't have enough zing for me. Wait a minute...I've just thought of something-the book was kind of gross, which Dork Diaries is, but it involved things I'm afraid of (wiggly things big and small) which automatically makes me a whole less comfortably even if I do skip those sections where I can. I do recommend this if you love Dork Diaries and crazy adventures! 

Find out more on dedicated Max Crumbly website

Suggested read
Discover how hilarious Nikki's sister Brianna is in the Dork Diaries series including Dork Diaries Frenemies Forever by Rachel Renee Russell, Nikki and Erin Russell (Children's, 9 years +, 9/10E, short 'n' sweet review)


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