Thursday 2 February 2017

Guest blog post for Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper by Janet Fogg and Dave Jackson (Children's, 9 years +)

 October 22, 2016 (US release), 154 pages, Paperback/hardback/ebook

About the book from the press release
 Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper brings wild west adventure and a new hero for young readers

LONGMONT, CO -- December 2016 -- On Christmas vacation one year, nearly sleeping behind the wheel through flat old Kansas, “Gusto” Dave Jackson crossed paths with a sign for an Annie Oakley museum. Jolted awake, he had his new literary hero. When wannabe cowgirl herself, Janet “The Kid” Fogg jumped at the chance to collaborate, the two authors joined forces and Annie Fortune was brought to life in the series debut, Misfortune Annie and the Locomotive Reaper.

“Annie appealed to me for many reasons,” said Fogg. “First, because she was a young cowgirl struggling to excel in the man’s world of the wild west. Second, because I thought we could weave ‘lessons-learned’ into the books so that young readers, especially teen girls, would have a role model with strength, courage, determination, and strong morals.”

And that message is strong, as Annie Fortune’s quick wit and tenacity shine brightly in the face of danger. When Annie, the fastest gunslinger in the 1880s wild west, inadvertently stops a stranger from attacking a train, the government believes she’s the only one to have seen the Locomotive Reaper and survived to tell the tale.  Promising to find out what she can about her missing father, the Director of the Secret Service persuades Annie to swear in, but too soon, her detested nickname re-stakes its claim.

The characters are peculiar, funny and cool,” said Jackson. Partnered with Beau Slokam, whose penchant for gambling leads them straight to the Doom Gang, Misfortune Annie guides the smooth-talking Southerner in a chase through the Rockies, with Cheyenne friend, Wontoa, by her side. When the unlikely trio meets the Reaper once again, his gadgetry proves even more advanced - and deadly than anyone predicted.

Not only a journey back to the 1800s, Misfortune Annie includes “Fun Facts” as an addendum to learn even more about famed  Annie Oakley, Wyatt Earp and historic facts and figures sprinkled throughout the story.

For readers hungry for more, they won’t have to wait long. “Gusto” and “The Kid” are already underway on volume two - Misfortune Annie and the Voodoo Curse, to release in 2017. For updates on the release, as well as announcements on future books in the series, visit

Nayu's thoughts
Due to cutting down on review books I was unable to read this fun sounding adventure, but I was more than happy to take part in the tour so you can learn all about it. Keep reading for an exclusive guest post from both Janet and Dave! 

Find out more

Guest post about the book by Janet Fogg and Dave Jackson

Locomotive Reaper strikes again!
All aboard found dead!

When Annabelle Fortune, the fastest gunslinger in the wild west, inadvertently stops a stranger from attacking a train — and he wears a suit that enables him to fly! — the government believes she’s the only one to have witnessed the Locomotive Reaper and survived to tell the tale.

Today we thought we'd share a scene from the Locomotive Reaper's point of view. To set the stage, the 3:10 to Denver is in peril, from both the Reaper and a gang of outlaws. Misfortune Annie is atop the train, battling the outlaws, as the train chugs onward.


The Reaper flew low to inspect the damage he'd just inflicted. Thick black smoke billowed high, blocking his view of the bridge. A chunk blown out of the track wouldn’t suffice, even though it promised a derailment. No. The bridge had to be destroyed. 

A shrieking locomotive dragging passengers to their doom as it plummeted off of a cliff—that’s what the Reaper craved. What he demanded! The newspapers would delight in that carnage.

Visibility out of his helmet proved limited. He’d have to adjust it, possibly even abandon the silly thing. If for some reason the propulsion system or hydrogen converter in the flying suit malfunctioned and he fell fifteen stories, head injuries would be the least of his problems. On the other hand, he believed in safety and backup plans. His engineering background ensured that.

The black cloud dissipated, revealing the stilts and struts that supported the bridge. The Reaper grumbled. Only one more stick of dynamite remained in his leg pocket, and with the first he'd blown a crater into the riverbank and twisted the rails into a knot, but hadn't touched the bridge. As he was still experimenting with the hydrogen mix in the tank strapped to his back, he knew he couldn’t risk carrying too much weight. The helmet alone weighed 20 ounces. The smaller tank, filled with a poisonous aerosol, weighed eight pounds, full. The invaluable electro magnet strapped to his forearm felt as heavy as a gold brick. Add those to his frame of about 150 pounds and the propulsion system bordered on its limitations. Otherwise, he would have toted a dozen sticks of dynamite.

He swooped down to hover close to the underside of the bridge to wedge the last stick in a crosstie on a supporting column. Time was running out. He wondered again if he should have abandoned today's mission when he heard those gunshots. But no. He was safe enough. Sort of. Sure, the flammable hydrogen posed a great risk each time he ignited his wrist torch, but his fear of using the torch shamed him. It wouldn’t ignite the hydrogen. It couldn't, not with his attention to design details. But it gave him pause. Every time.

He snorted at himself. Here he was, hovering mid-air, free as any bird, yet that no longer elevated his heart rate, while a simple flame consumed his emotions. Enough. The wind blew to the east. Before striking the torch lead that stuck out of his cuff, he pivoted to ensure the flame would flicker away from him.

The gunshots on the train still puzzled him. He expected the government to panic at some point and plant undercover agents on the railways and in the stations, but it was too soon. He’d just started wreaking havoc—poisoning two trains in as many days. The ink on the newspapers about him was barely dry. Could the law already be onto him? Did they spot him swooping over the mountain? If they saw him board the engine earlier, why didn't they show themselves, attempt an arrest? Then again, perhaps the shots ringing the foothills had nothing to do with him.

At any rate, he'd chosen not to risk gassing the passengers, instead falling back on his backup plan to destroy the bridge. Though it didn't match his previous efforts, as long as travelers feared train travel, he would count the day a success.

The Reaper caught his breath, sparked his blow torch, and burned the tip of the fuse. It caught and flared. Sparks sizzled and writhed, consuming the fuse. He dropped the fuse, thumbed the controls to soar upward to a high altitude, then started north.

This time, the bridge blew apart.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Nayu! We're having a blast sharing Annie's adventures and are hard at work on Book Two, Misfortune Annie and the Voodoo Curse. Happy trails!


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