Wednesday 2 December 2015

Princess Evie: The Enchanted Snow Pony by Sarah Kilbride and Sophie Tilley (Children's, 7 years +, 10E/10E)

September 2015, Simon and Schuster Children's, 112 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Content: magic, cuteness, mild peril, horses, humour

Summary from Simon and Schuster
Join Evie and Silver on a wintry adventure to see the Northern Lights at the Mid-Winter Ball. There's so much to do before the Ball - sledging, making magical snow dresses and catching up with old friends. Can Evie and her friends make it to the Ball and rescue one of the Queen's fairies on their way?

Join Evie and Silver on a wintry adventure to see the Northern Lights at the Mid-Winter Ball. There's so much to do before the Ball - sledging, making magical snow dresses and catching up with old friends. Can Evie and her friends make it to the Ball and rescue one of the Queen's fairies on their way?

Turn to the back for pony facts and activities. - See more at:'S-PONIES/9781471121838#sthash.6RQUBj5F.dpuf
Nayu's thoughts 
I absolutely adore the Princess Evie series, both the picture books and this vaguely new chapter book series. There are still some intricate illustrations to gaze upon between the action filled chapters. Sadly they aren't in colour, but even in black and white they are girly and make me smile.

I love the magic in Evie's adventures, how I never knew what was going to happen next, how she has her cute cat Sparkles as a companion - as a cat lover this makes it even easier for me to imagine I'm Evie. There's plenty of snow fun to be had between dodging avalanches! The way Evie gets a new outfit is inventive, and the fact she's going to see the Northern Lights (also known as the Aurora Borealis, seen below) is awesome as it's real and feels entirely natural for Evie to see after her escapade in the snow with other ponies. 
Isn't nature wonderful? Photo of Aurora Borealis
The story is subtle in teaching the reader a life lesson through Evie's actions (or in some cases inaction), and is so fun I can't wait to read it again! The pony facts at the end have a good balance of detail and are fun to read. 

Find out more on the dedicated Princess Evie's Ponies website.

You can also find out more on Sarah's website . While Sophie's website is under construction, you can find out more via social media such as her Twitter page.

Suggested read 

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