Tuesday 27 October 2015

Blog tour: Power Play by Tiffany Snow (Thriller, Romance, 10E/10E)

29th October, Piatkus, 352 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Content: strong adult romance, some violence/threat including strong assault, frequent innuendo, lots of danger & humour

Book summary 
Sage Reese lives for her job. More precisely, she lives for her debonair boss, Parker Andersen. Sage handles everything for Parker, even as she fantasizes about the one thing that isn't in her job description: him. But when a high-stakes account crosses the line from shady to deadly, a tough cop starts giving Sage the attention she wishes Parker would . . .

Detective Dean Ryker couldn't be more different from Parker. While Parker wears expensive suits like a second skin and drives a BMW, Ryker's uniform is leather jackets and jeans . . . and his ride of choice is a Harley. While Parker's sexiness is a reserved, slow burn, Ryker is completely upfront about what-and who-he's after. And Sage tops his list.
Now, as Ryker digs deeper into the dark side of Parker's business, Sage finds herself caught between two men: the one she's always wanted - and the one who makes her feel wanted like never before . . .

Nayu's thoughts
I drifted along on a happy cloud for the entire length of this novel. It's super! Nixing out the too steamy blushable parts (lots of innuendo, but the strongest scenes are easy enough to skip past) I adored it. Sage couldn't be more different from me, which is why I found her so intriguing. Her work ethic is perhaps a bit too dedicated to Parker, especially when he is obnoxious and asks her to run errands when technically she isn't working. I know I did that a little bit in my previous job (self-employment is a whole different ball game), but not to Sage's extent.

It's those extra favours which both put her in great danger and keep her alive. The danger element of her life is part of why I adore the book. I never knew what was coming next, I had all sorts of theories but these were smashed to bits as plot twists unravelled then re-ravelled themselves. I loved seeing why Sage was happy to take a few risks. It was truly awful when her life kept being put in danger, I was grateful to read it in one sitting which was agonising enough. She dips into a darker side of humanity which no person should ever have to encounter.

While I think I know what the right thing would be for her to do, Sage does have loyalty to Parker, as well as growing affection for Ryker which pulls her in different directions. I did like seeing how life for the uber rich can be - the cost of Parker's clothes was ludicrous, and I think the title is very accurate because it seems that Parker is driven by power and the need for more money, even though taking that route will be and is dangerous for those near him (including Sage).

There are times when I think Sage takes far too many risks (she really ought to listen to what Ryker and Parker ask her to do, even though they have conflicting interests). I am seriously intrigued as to how the story will continue, and how much more danger Sage can get into. I mean, so much happened in book 1 that I think my mind will get blown away by events of book 2. Squeee! I can't wait! 

Find out more on Tiffany's website

Available to buy from most bookshops including NRC affiliate Foyles.

Suggested read 

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