Sunday 8 December 2013

Winter's Child by Angela McAllister and Grahame Baker-Smith (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)

 October 2013, Templar, 40 pages, Hardback, Review copy
Themes: effect of winter, life in the country, supplies running out, friendship, how seasons change,

Summary from Templar
When Tom wishes winter would never end, he meets another boy who shares his love of snow and ice. Playing together every day, Tom hardly notices that spring doesn't come – until he realises the terrible effect the delay is having on the countryside and his sick grandma. His friend is Winter's child, and for the seasons to go on the friends must say goodbye until next year.

Nayuleska's thoughts 
Both the story and illustrations are captivating. I was hooked by the cover, and wanted to see more of the illustrations. They are out of this world! The level of intricacy is mindblowing. I felt the cold and excitement of the snow and ice. Each page I found myself struggling to decided what to look at first.

The more you look the more you realise how how each page has it's own little story which adds volumes to the main story which had me crying in a few places, such was the power of the message. I really felt happy for Tom and Winter's child, and was extremely worried about Tom's grandmother, for whom Tom sacrifices a lot. My favourite scenes were the horses with ice manes, and the last page with the girl spreading flowers everywhere. A book to get lost in its depth for hours.

Suggested read
Another heartwarming tale is Minnow and Bear by Ben Blathwayt (Children's, Picture book, 10E/10E)

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