Saturday 26 October 2013

Nayus News #94 Bear with me

I'm just waiting for my body to quit throwing a strop
After recovering from a cold I had some ketamine, and ever since the cold recovery I haven't been quite myself. It feels like I'm fighting a virus of some sort, but nothing is materialising. I'm resting as much as I can in the hope to bop whatever it is on the head. 

I'll put up reviews when I can, but I'm not prescheduling them at the moment. I'm still reading! Writing...yes well need my head to be on the ball which it currently isn't. The plus side is Muse will be like a whirlwind when I've beaten whatever 'this' is. Til then, please bear with the lack of posts.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Nayu! Miss you! Hey, that rhymed. Sorry your not feeling well. Hope you'll be back stronger than ever soon. I'm feeling better and am trying to get back to writing by starting a new book review blog. Please pop over and take a look when you can. I'd appreciate your advice. I've been so out of it with arthritis/tendonitis for so long. Pain is such a pain! Love, Kimberley


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