Tuesday 13 August 2013

Nayu's News #89 Update time!

Hi everyone! Quick update as I'm nearly finished online for the day. Been busy blogging now (after work) note all pics are taken from the internet.
"Hmm, what needs to go next?"
 so that tomorrow can be spent having fun with friends at craft club 
No penguins where I go...and I'm doing crochet at the moment but can't find anime pics with crochet in them!
 and hopefully a few hours with Muse in the afternoon! She is cooperating nicely on my Sky Fairies book 1 edits. We haven't fallen out quite yet, although there were some plot holes that had me perplexed
"Muse, what did you put there?"
and Muse looking mutinous. 
"And? What's your problem? I'm a genius, deal with it."

Still having heaps of fun reading mostly children's books - cuteness is in! 
There's Gothic cute....there is some in the Hello Kitty book I recently reviewed (Hello Kitty Dress Up Dolls, Children's, Picture book, 10/10E)
Not in the book but this is super cute!

My cat managed to get shut in my room for a few hours today - we only noticed at dinner. 
"You shut me in!"
 I would feel more sympathetic if she didn't have the bad habit of creeping into places where she shouldn't and getting shut in because no one sees her (my room is kept shut during the day because my birds are in there tweeting). 
I love birds

Soon I will show you how to make easy orange juice - and I mean easy! No more concentrate ^o^ 
Nice and pure!

That's it for today - maybe more news at the weekend, if not it'll be next Wednesday.
Have a great day!

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