Monday 1 July 2013

Review Policy as of 1st February 2016

One book is never enough!
Hi everyone! Welcome to Nayu's Reading Corner where I, Nayu, as well as a few other book addicts review books! 

Now seeing as the last post for this was July, I thought I'd better update it. Although all essential info is in the side bar, here are the extra details which I don't have room for there.

General info

I'm trying to read more Children's books under 9 years +,  Cozy Mysteries, and Contemporary Fiction.

I check emails daily, but sometimes due to ill health I may not be able to do this - thank you for your patience if I'm delayed in replying.

I can't always tweet links to reviews on the same day - this is for health reasons. I do tweet links as soon as I am able. 

I now do post my reviews on Amazon UK, US, and GoodReads.

I accept books from publishers, self-published books, Paperbacks, Hardbacks, eBooks (I have an ereader). Everything is subject to whether I like the sound of the book. Occasionally I'll accept a book but for whatever reason if I don't get on with it I will stop reading it. Mostly I do finish books I receive and give honest reviews - sometimes this is a low review - it happens.

Genres I review 

I love reading Children's books from 0-11 years, mostly fiction but non-fiction welcome too.

I'm reading a few Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, and Contemporary fiction

I'm actively seeking Cozy Mysteries, Amish fiction, clean reads
For all genres I prefer having a female protagonist, although will read male protagonist books too. 

Here's a list of topics I'm interested in: 

School stories - they never get old
Magic/magical creatures - there's fun to be had with magic around
Fairies/princesses - never fail to make me smile
Animal stories - somehow that's an area that I've never lost a passion for
Mysteries and quests - because I love adventureBooks that will make me laugh - I'm on a mission to keep in good spirits, and books play a vital role in that.
Anything samurai/ninja/Japanese related - such an awesome topic

I do not review the following

Horror - occasionally I will read books with mild horror in them, but this is at my discretion
Books which are of an extremely adult nature - obviously some of the Paranormal Romance, Romance, New Adult and Contemporary fiction have romance in, but I don't read anything explicit. 

Blog Tours, Author Interviews etc

I do still take part in blog tours, so if you think I'd like to read your book then please do enquire about them. I prefer giving competitions and guest blog posts to author interviews, but will do them occasionally.

Reading Challenges

These are currently dormant and will remain so for the forseeable future. 


What Are You Reading Meme? happens every Monday, with help from Gina R of the book review blog Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Nayu's News posts

These are continuing as and when I'm able to write them - I aim for at least one a week. They are often but not exclusively about what I've recently been up to, what I'll be doing over the next week, updates on my current health, and anything else I want to chat about! 

I think that's everything - if not I'll simply add to this post! As always, thanks for reading NRC. I hope you enjoy the posts here, and keep an eye out for the fun competitions which are usually international!

Naturally cute anime pics continue to feature regularly on this blog!

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