Wednesday 26 June 2013

Blog Tour: My Sister's Reaper by Dorothy Dreyer (Young Adult, 10/10E)

 18th June 2013, Month9Books, 275 pages, Ebook, Review copy 

Themes: bonds between sisters, focus on family, firm friendships, having to face problems head on, teen issues, death, the paranormal, wanting to fit in, jumping to conclusions, discovering the world isn't as you thought it was, hopes and dreams changing, fighting for yourself and others (not all physical fighting), 

Content: some moderate teen romance, ghostly goings on, seance, a tissue is needed

Summary from press release info 
There’s bragging, there’s trying to impress a boy, and then there’s Sixteen-year-old Zadie. Zadie’s first mistake was telling the boy she’s crushing on that she could bring her dead sister back to life. Her second mistake? Actually doing it! When Zadie accidentally messes with the Reaper’s Rite that should have claimed her sister Mara, things go horribly wrong (you think?). Mara isn’t the same anymore—Zadie isn’t even sure she’s completely human, and to top it off, a Reaper is determined to collect Mara’s soul no matter what. Now Zadie must figure out how to defeat her sister’s Reaper, intent on claiming both girls, or let Mara die … this time for good.

Nayuleska's thoughts
I can't remember how I ended up chatting with Dorothy on Twitter, it might have been through knowing a joint friend, but I've waited months to read her work. I was ecstatic when she announced the publication date, and am so happy to be on her blog tour. 

I adore stories which has siblings pulled close together and then far apart. The twists hit me hard, I felt for Zadie each time her life seemed against her. I wanted to hug her when all she could do was cry alone. Don't worry, she isn't alone. It takes a long time to happen in some cases, but she has true friends who will hold her hand literally and metaphorically, who tell her the truth even when it hurts. Without them, the end of the awesome story would have been totally different. Zadie's power and humour sweep aside the ouijee board moment (which usually has me shutting a book) and let me give this the highest rating. Dorothy - you've nailed this! 

Yesterday's tour spot was hosted by Gina R of Satisfaction For Insatiable Readers (and also chief Meme writer here on NRC) and the next stop of this tour is tomorrow over on Kayla's Reads and Reviews.

You can find out more on Dorothy's Website, as well as on Goodreads and Barnes And Noble

Suggested read
Other death oriented books with a grim reaper include  My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

There's an awesome tour giveaway - there are 5 copies of the book up for grabs for international entrants, and if you're in the US you can win a signed copy of My Sister's Reapernail polish, journal, MSR keychain, and candy! Just enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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